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Friday, 11 November 2011

Tips for Natural Skin Care in Winter

Good skin care is always desirable if you want to keep your skin glowing and healthy. Skin carebecomes all the more important in winters due to the cold and dry weather that takes away all the natural moisturizer off your skin. However, applying all types of skin lotions and other winter skin care cosmetics is no solution for this because chemicals do harm our skin in variety of ways. So, why not adopt some tips for natural skin care in winter this time! And because there is nothing more natural than herbs and other home remedies prescribed by Ayurveda, we will talk about Ayurvedic skin care in winter only.

General Tips for Ayurvedic Skin Care in Winter

Ayurveda says, in winter season people suffer from increased “Vata” and therefore they experience dry flaky skin, chapped lips and dry, brittle hair. The foremost tip for natural skin care in winter is thus to keep Vata dosha balanced in order to prevent Vata-associated skin problems.
  • - Never use hot water for bathing in winters. Always use warm water that feels gentle to skin. Too hot water can rob the skin off its natural oils leaving your skin dry and itchy.
  • - Ayurveda prescribes a pre-bath oil massage known as Abhyanga Massage everyday in winter season. As it is to be done each day, you must do it yourself before having bath. For this ayurvedic massage, use such nourishing oils as coconut, almond, sesame, or some herbal oil meant for body massage, especially in winters. If possible, keep the oil on your body for at least half an hour before going to shower so that the same is absorbed completely by the skin.
  • - Do not use harsh soaps in winters. If possible, use some non-soap herbal cleanser recipes suitable to your type of skin. These can be anything ranging from milk mixed with flour or gramflour mixed with cream or clarified butter (ghee) etc.
  • - Pay special attention to your diet in winters because your body needs sufficient energy to fight off the cold and your skin needs natural moisturizing agents from within which is supplied by the food you eat. Include more soaked and blanched almonds, soaked walnuts, whole milk, fresh cheese such as paneer (cottage cheese), and ghee (clarified butter) in your daily diet. Also, drink a cup of warm milk without removing its cream before going to bed.
  • - Although you do not feel the need to drink much water in winters but there is a constant loss of water from your body due to cold and dry air. So drink plenty of water in winters to keep your skin hydrated from within. Eat fruits and vegetables high in water content with your meals.

Herbs and Homemade Lotions for Skin Care in Winter

Ayurveda gives some excellent recipes for making natural “skin rasayans” or skin lotions. These homemade skin care lotions for winters use natural ingredients such as natural emollients like milk, cream, yogurt or honey; natural exfoliating substances like natural clay, salts, grain or lentil flours; vegetable base oils; and floral waters or pure essential oils to act as the carrier for the herbs to be taken to the cells and tissues. Below we give the herbs and other natural substances used for making ayurvedic skin care lotions for each Ayurvedic skin type- Vata skin (dry skin), Pitta skin (sensitive skin- generally neither dry nor oily), and Kapha skin (oily skin).

Ayurvedic Tips for Vata Dry Skin in Winter

Vata skin is the space or air predominant skin type and therefore is delicate and tends to be naturally dry. Brahmi, Shatavari, Amla and Ashwagandha are some of the Vata-pacifying herbs for skin care. They help in maintaining skin elasticity, moisture balance, texture and radiance. Triphala is another herbal formulation which is good for Vata skin as it combines nourishment with a gentle detoxifying effect that enhances skin clarity. In winters, you may use topical formulations of these herbs made with nourishing oils and Vata-balancing aromas. You can also take them as nutritional supplements for giving support to your dry skin from within.

Ayurvedic Tips for Pitta Sensitive Skin in Winter

Pitta skin is the fire predominant skin type and thus is sensitive. It is generally neither dry nor oily. Amla (Emblica Officinalis), Bhringaraj, Grit Kumari (Aloe vera), White Sandalwood, Red Sandalwood and Lajawanti (Mimosa) are some of the Pitta-pacifying herbs for skin. They work by drawing out excess heat and by supporting the skin’s natural ability to withstand the the environmental harshness. They also keep skin clear and healthy by nourishing sensitive skin tissues without irritating them. Triphala, Manjistha and Neem (Azadirachta Indica ) are also helpful for Pitta skin as they purify and clarify the skin without depleting it of moisture. In winters, you may use topical formulations of these herbs made with soothing oils and Pitta-balancing aromas. The herbs Amla, Triphala and Neem can also be taken as nutritional supplements for giving support to your sensitive skin from within.

Ayurvedic Tips for Kapha Oily Skin in Winter

Kapha skin is water or earth predominant and thus is oily and tends to attract dust and grime. Natural skin care for such skin type therefore are purifiers that detoxify and clarify, along with properties of being nourishing and rejuvenating to the skin. Neem, Manjistha (Indian Madder), Triphala, Tulsi (Basil herb) and Turmeric are some of the Kapha-balancing herbs for skin. They detoxify the skin while also nourishing it at the same time. They balance oil content in the skin and enhance clarity and brightness. In winters, you may use topical formulations of these herbs made with light oils and Kapha-balancing aromas. Neem, Triphala and Tulsi can also be taken as nutritional supplements for giving support to your oily skin from within.
These were some of the tips for natural skin care in winters according to your Ayurvedic skin type. You might also want to get some Tips To Keep Cool In Summer



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